Terence Lore


Terence is a large bird. Resembling Red in some aspects, he is covered with crimson feathers, small darker circles on certain parts of his body, and peach feathers on his belly. His most notable characteristics are two feathers on his head that work as his crest. Large, black eyebrows on his face, and three small black feathers on his tail.

Terence is a rather silent, level-headed person, who has little to no interaction with other people. He only speaks through grunts, and has hardly ever spoken. This is due to him preferring to have a quiet life.[4] He also has very little facial expression and barely shows any emotions on the outside, which makes him look intimidating and scary to both pigs and birds. Because of his lack of communication, no one really knows what goes on in his head.

Terence is notable for his incredible strength; one such example was when he and the other birds tried to go from Bird Island to Piggy Island, where he managed to push a large boat full of people on his own. It is also worth noting that Terence is an indestructible person, having survived being hit by a large rock about his size, and even a gigantic explosion, with no scratches. Once, he even withstood atmospheric entry.

Matilda is Terence's wife. The two first met when the large bird was forced by law to attend the white bird's anger management classes. At some point, Terence fell in love with Matilda, even confessing her that he loved her through a painting of his. As this made her feel uncomfortable, Matilda left, leaving aside a saddened Terence. However, after she was saved by him, Matilda also fell in love with him, eventually getting married (though in a low-cost wedding) and having four daughters together. Because of how close she is to him, Matilda is one of the very few people who do not fear Terence.